Can I leave the priesthood if I want, and is there any support if I do?

When a man is ordained he makes a commitment for life. No priest, obviously, would undertake this commitment lightly. But sometimes, hopefully in rare cases, an ordained priest finds himself in crisis and unable to cope. It is important that he receive appropriate help to negotiate the crisis and overcome his difficulties. Such help is readily available through diocesan and religious institutes.

However, in some exceptional situations, a priest may ask to leave the priesthood (this is called ‘laicisation’). It is not always easy to attain laicisation; each case is carefully examined locally and in Rome before a decision with regard to laicisation is made.

If a priest is laicised, he will of course receive compassionate support from his diocese or Religious Institute to negotiate the transition to the lay state. Financial support as well as pastoral support will be available in such cases, depending on the resources and means of the diocese or Religious Institute to which the now former priest is affiliated.

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