Is there a vocations test I can take to see if I have a vocation to the priesthood?

No. God’s call is too much of a personal thing for it to be known through a one-size-fits-all test.  There are, however, some basic questions that you can consider if you think you might have a vocation to priesthood or religious life:

  • Do I have some connection with God, some relationship, some faith in God’s loving presence, no matter how weak or small or vague that is right now?
  • Do I feel drawn by some desire to help people, to be of service to others?
  • Do I know some priests or Bishops or other ordained Church members whose lives inspire or attract me?
  • Am I attracted to a particular expression of Christian life, such as the life of a diocesan priest or of a Franciscan, or Dominican or Benedictine or Jesuit….?

What is key in discerning a vocation is to listen to your heart’s desire. What attracts you? What draws you? What inspires you? What fills you with inner joy and peace? God usually touches us at this deeper level as a way of letting us know the path God hopes we would follow.

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