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- If I became a priest, what would I do if I fell in love?
- Can a gay man become a priest?
- Why would anybody become a priest nowadays?
- I have had relationships that have been sexual in nature. Is it still possible for me to make a vow of chastity?
- Why do I have to be celibate to be a priest?
- Why do we have priests? Can’t lay people do the work of priests?
- What happens to my belongings if I join the priesthood? Can I keep my car?
- If I take a vow of celibacy, will I get very lonely?
- Do you have to be a virgin to become a priest?
- Can I still join the priesthood if I have personal debts?
- Why can’t priests date and get married?
- The idea of public speaking is very challenging to me and I avoid it if possible. How can I be a priest when I hate public speaking?
- School was never something I really liked. Is the study part of formation very hard?
- What can I do as a priest that I cannot do as a layperson working for a charity or NGO?
- I have a girlfriend but I feel called to religious life. If I go into training for the priesthood can I still keep my girlfriend in case it becomes clear that I don’t actually have a vocation?
- I’m very attracted to women. Will this pass with time and training or will I always be tempted?
- If I don’t believe that Christ is really present in the Eucharist, can I still become a priest?
- Can women become deacons?
- Why can’t women become priests?